Saturday, April 28, 2012

a dog named Wendal

This week was a hard one for me.

It started out with us celebrating our dog Wendal's 16th birthday, we had a family bbq at my parents place and spent some time with him. I took some photos so I could have one for my Project 366.

Unfortunately on Wednesday Wendal passed away suddenly.

If you have ever lost a pet, you will know how heartbreaking it can be.

Farewell little buddha. I hope you get to have endless belly rubs and eat as much ice cream and licorice you want now. Good boy.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

sick, but still stitching!

I've been a little under the weather for the last week or so. After having a cold a few weeks ago, I thought I had finally shaken it, so I resumed swimming laps at the local pool.

I was wrong.

Unfortunately, the next 48 hours were awful. I dragged myself to work only to be told by the boss to go home (thanks, Dad! xox) and spent my time curled up on the lounge with a blankie and the cat, wishing I would die.

I have improved slightly, but the horrible, gross cough remains. Yuck.

On the bright side, I've caught up on some Dizzy Izzy work, played ALOT of Draw Something, AND I've been getting in a little cross stitching. Yay!

Here's some highlights:-

cat + blankie = toasty warm love
can you guess it? lol
what a poor me!
Easter breakfast made by My Man

just after I had to unpick a whole section... doh!

I hope you are all well out there!