Friday, February 6, 2015

Step by Step

If you have been following my Instagram any time in the last year, you will have noticed a lot of pics of my shoes. (if you haven't been following me, you should! I'm neat! @craftygirl_tk)  I've been walking A LOT. Aiming for the daily goal of 10,000 steps per day. Yep, you heard it. Ten. Thousand.

That's the 'average' daily amount that you should walk to maintain fitness, set by someone, somewhere.

I have a bunch of weight to get rid of, and walking is just so convenient and cost effective, so it's my exercise of choice at the moment.

I don't get to 10,000 every day, but I don't beat myself up about it.

Trying to create a new lifestyle with new habits is a hard, slow process, especially when you have things so ingrained. It has to be done though. I have been told I have IRS, Insulin Resistance Syndrome. And I really don't want it to get to diabetes any time soon.

After a year of walking pretty much every day, I've slowly noticed improvements - I can walk further, and I can carry on a conversation at the same time as well. Hills and steps are definitely still my nemesis, but they are getting easier. And all of this activity is helping to keep the Black Dog at bay, too.

So if you need me, I'll probably be out walking ;)

Tracey xox

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